Stop the Spread of Viruses

Tips for Deep Clean­ing after You Have Been Sick

The only thing worse than get­ting hit with a cold or the flu is shar­ing it with your whole fam­i­ly. Many virus­es can live for up to 24 hours, while oth­ers can linger for days. Here are tips on how to safe­guard against spread­ing germs, includ­ing infor­ma­tion on where they like to hide and how to deep clean after ill­ness strikes. 

Start with the Prop­er Tools

Dis­in­fect­ing is key to destroy­ing germs because it wipes out bac­te­ria, virus­es and fun­gi that live on sur­faces. To make your own dis­in­fec­tant solu­tion, you can com­bine one quar­ter-cup of chlo­rine bleach with one gal­lon of hot water

Wear Pro­tec­tive Gloves
Wear­ing gloves can pro­tect your skin from clean­ing prod­ucts. Once you have fin­ished dis­in­fect­ing your home and office, use warm soap and water to thor­ough­ly wash your reusable gloves.

Roll up Your Sleeves: Places to Clean

In Your Home
Clean­ing your bed­room once you are feel­ing bet­ter can go a long way. It takes time to ful­ly recov­er from being sick and a clean bed­room can give you a bet­ter chance of recov­er­ing quickly. 

  • Sheets and pil­low cases
  • Alarm clocks
  • Lamp pulls
  • Door­knobs
  • Robe
  • Dress­er drawers

Your bath­room is always a breed­ing ground for germs, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the win­ter­time when colds and flus can have you vis­it­ing the restroom more fre­quent­ly. Once you are feel­ing bet­ter, be sure to dis­in­fect sur­faces in your bathroom. 

  • Faucet han­dles on sink and bath tub
  • Toi­let handle
  • Bath tow­els, hand tow­els, washcloths
  • Med­i­cine cabinet
  • Bath mats
  • Door­knobs

Although you are most like­ly not spend­ing a lot of time in the kitchen when you are sick, you will be in the kitchen from time to time. Wipe down and dis­in­fect the coun­ters and pay atten­tion to a few of the small­er details, such as: 

  • Refrig­er­a­tor handles
  • Stove knobs
  • Cof­fee pot and/​or tea kettle
  • Draw­er pulls
  • Microwave

Hid­ing in Plain Sight
Often­times, germs are right under your nose. Start by dis­in­fect­ing things in your home that every­one touch­es through­out the day. 

  • Door­knobs
  • Light switch­es
  • Ceil­ing fan pulls
  • Cell phones
  • Remote con­trols

Shared Spaces
Although a lot of time is spent in bed when you are down with a cold or flu, many peo­ple also rest in com­mon areas of the house. In addi­tion to clean­ing sur­faces in your fam­i­ly room, wash house­hold items and vac­u­um your floors, couch­es and chairs.

Toss in the Wash

  • Blan­kets
  • Throw pil­lows
  • Stuffed toys

Run Through the Dishwasher

  • Hard toys
  • Paci­fiers
  • Humid­i­fi­er parts

Don’t Risk It
Germs love to hide in moist places. Replac­ing items such as tooth­brush­es and sponges can safe­guard against spread­ing sickness. 

At the Office
While it is best for you and your co-work­ers to stay home when you are under the weath­er, some­times you find your­self at your desk when you are sick. When you are feel­ing bet­ter, clean your work­space to keep your­self on the mend. 

  • Chair arms
  • Mouse and keyboard
  • Tele­phone
  • File cab­i­net pulls
  • Water bot­tle
  • Door­knobs

Tak­ing the time to min­i­mize the spread of germs can go a long way in keep­ing you and your fam­i­ly healthy dur­ing cold and flu season. 

If you need sup­port to man­age a nasty virus, our pri­ma­ry care providers and Imme­di­ate Care Cen­ters offer same-day and next-day in-per­son or vir­tu­al vis­its sev­en days a week. Find care from Duly now > 

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