Non-Skincare Gifts for the Skincare Lover

When it comes to self-care, skin­care enthu­si­asts have it down to a sci­ence (thanks to their favorite Duly Aes­thet­ics estheti­cian). Their bath­room is filled with a per­fect­ly curat­ed, pro­fes­sion­al-grade rou­tine of serums, exfo­lia­tors, and mois­tur­iz­ers that give them their sig­na­ture glow­ing, youth­ful skin. But what if you could take their self-care rou­tine to the next lev­el? From cre­at­ing the per­fect envi­ron­ment for their skin­care rou­tine to enhanc­ing their beau­ty sleep, here are a few non-skin­care essen­tials that are sure to put a smile on their face. 

The Mag­ic of Humid­i­fiers

A dewy glow is all about main­tain­ing the skin’s mois­ture bal­ance, and a humid­i­fi­er is the per­fect com­pan­ion. It ensures the air is just right, pre­vent­ing dry­ness and mak­ing skin­care prod­ucts more effec­tive. Choose an aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing mod­el to enhance the ambiance of their skin­care sanc­tu­ary.

Mini-Fridge for Serums and Masks

Every skin­care lover knows the impor­tance of prop­er­ly stor­ing their pre­cious serums and masks. A mini-fridge is an ide­al gift, pro­vid­ing a ded­i­cat­ed space to keep their skin­care prod­ucts cool and refresh­ing. It not only extends the shelf life but also adds a touch of lux­u­ry to their dai­ly routine. 

Silk Pil­low­cas­es for Beau­ty Sleep

Beau­ty sleep takes on a whole new mean­ing with silk pil­low­cas­es. Not only do they reduce fric­tion on the skin, pre­vent­ing wrin­kles, but they also min­i­mize hair break­age. Your loved one will wake up feel­ing like roy­al­ty, with their skin and hair thank­ing them for the upgrade.

Lux­u­ri­ous Face Tow­els

An often-over­looked aspect of skin­care is the tow­el you use on your face. Reg­u­lar tow­els can be abra­sive, but a set of soft, plush face tow­els feels like a spa treat­ment every time you cleanse or pat dry your skin. Make their dai­ly rou­tine feel indul­gent.

The Art of Facial Steam­ing

Facial steam­ing is a skin­care secret that many swear by. It opens up the pores, allow­ing skin­care prod­ucts to pen­e­trate deep­er, leav­ing skin radi­ant and refreshed. A facial steam­er will ele­vate their at-home spa days, mak­ing them feel like a true skin­care con­nois­seur.

Sav­ings to Stock Up

If your skin­care lover is as dili­gent about their rou­tine as we are, they are sure to use up their favorite prod­ucts from time to time. Help them out with a lit­tle sav­ings specif­i­cal­ly for skin­care prod­ucts with a Duly Aes­thet­ics gift card. Whether they use the sav­ings for their month­ly ser­vice or to replen­ish their dai­ly SPF, a Duly Aes­thet­ics gift card is sure to nev­er go to waste. 

Find a Duly Aes­thet­ics loca­tion near you to pur­chase gift cards that are good for skin­care prod­ucts and treat­ments.

Ele­vate the Skin­care Lover’s World

From the mag­ic of humid­i­fiers and mini-fridges to the lux­u­ry of silk pil­low­cas­es and face tow­els, and the art of facial steam­ing, these gifts are sure to make any skin­care lover’s heart skip a beat. By cre­at­ing the per­fect skin­care oasis, you’re not just gift­ing them with prod­ucts; you’re gift­ing them with an expe­ri­ence that nur­tures their well-being and enhances their self-care rit­u­als. So go ahead, ele­vate the skin­care lover’s world and watch their radi­ant glow shine even brighter. 

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