Using miraDry® for Sweat Reduction

A non-inva­sive pro­ce­dure to elim­i­nate sweat glands in the underarm

Duly Aes­thet­ics offers miraDry® a break­through, non­in­va­sive pro­ce­dure for treat­ment of hyper­hidro­sis, or exces­sive under­arm perspiration.

The miraDry® pro­ce­dure uses clin­i­cal­ly proven tech­nol­o­gy to non-inva­sive­ly elim­i­nate sweat glands in the under­arm. Since the glands don’t regen­er­ate, results are imme­di­ate and last­ing. The FDA-approved pro­ce­dure takes place in the physician’s office, involves no sur­gi­cal inci­sions, and requires min­i­mal recov­ery time.

For patients who qual­i­fy, two miraDry® treat­ments are giv­en three months apart for max­i­mum results and dura­tion. Most patients report a dra­mat­ic reduc­tion of under­arm sweat. Recent clin­i­cal stud­ies show the aver­age reduc­tion was about 82 per­cent. As with any med­ical pro­ce­dure, results vary.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

What is the miraDry® pro­ce­dure?
The miraDry pro­ce­dure is quick, non-inva­sive and pro­vides a last­ing solu­tion for exces­sive under­arm sweat. The hand­piece from the miraDry Sys­tem, when placed on the under­arm, deliv­ers pre­cise­ly con­trolled ener­gy to the region where the sweat glands reside and elim­i­nates sweat glands non-inva­sive­ly. The sweat glands don’t grow back once elim­i­nat­ed, result­ing in a dra­mat­ic and last­ing reduc­tion of under­arm sweat.

What is the pro­ce­dure like?
The pro­ce­dure involves no sur­gi­cal inci­sions or cuts. The clin­i­cian cus­tomizes treat­ment for each under­arm area with mul­ti­ple place­ments of the miraDry hand­piece. Local anes­the­sia is admin­is­tered to the under­arms pri­or to the pro­ce­dure to main­tain com­fort. Your office vis­it appoint­ment will gen­er­al­ly last about an hour. Two pro­ce­dures spaced three months apart are required to max­i­mize the results and duration.

What hap­pens after the pro­ce­dure?
There is min­i­mal to no down­time fol­low­ing the pro­ce­dure. Your doc­tor will like­ly rec­om­mend a mild over-the-counter pain med­ica­tion and use of ice packs for a few days. You should be able to return to nor­mal activ­i­ties or work right after the pro­ce­dure, and you can typ­i­cal­ly resume exer­cise with­in sev­er­al days. Some local­ized sore­ness or swelling is nor­mal, and typ­i­cal­ly clears with­in a few weeks. Some patients have short-term altered sen­sa­tion in the skin of their under­arms or upper arms, which grad­u­al­ly disappears.

What results can I expect?
Most patients report a dra­mat­ic reduc­tion of their sweat – in a recent clin­i­cal study1, the aver­age sweat reduc­tion was 86%. You should see a reduc­tion in sweat imme­di­ate­ly after treat­ment. As with any med­ical pro­ce­dure, results will vary by per­son.
1[Clin­i­cal study data on file at Mira­mar Labs, Inc.]

How long will the results last?
The results are last­ing because the sweat glands do not come back or regen­er­ate after they have been elim­i­nat­ed. The miraDry pro­ce­dure uses a safe, non-inva­sive tech­nol­o­gy that is FDA cleared to elim­i­nate sweat glands in the underarm.

Don’t I need my under­arm sweat glands?
Your body con­tains over 4 mil­lion sweat glands, with only about 2% locat­ed in the under­arms. Elim­i­nat­ing this 2% will not affect the body’s abil­i­ty to cool itself.

How is the miraDry pro­ce­dure dif­fer­ent from oth­er treat­ment options?
Oth­er treat­ment options are designed to tem­porar­i­ly dis­able the sweat glands,
or involve surgery which con­tains inher­ent risks. Only the miraDry pro­ce­dure pro­vides a last­ing solu­tion with a non-inva­sive treatment.

Is the miraDry pro­ce­dure right for me?
If embar­rass­ing under­arm sweat out­breaks, stained cloth­ing or fre­quent antiper­spi­rant appli­ca­tion inter­fere with your dai­ly life, then you may be a good can­di­date for the miraDry® procedure.

To learn more about miraDry®, please con­tact Duly Aes­thet­ics in Wheaton at 630−547−5000.

miraDry® is a reg­is­tered trade­mark of Mira­mar Labs, Inc.

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