Men, How Can You Step Up Your Health During Men's Health Month?

Be hon­est — when was the last time you real­ly thought about how healthy you are? And if you made it that far, when is the last time you did any­thing to improve your health and wellness?

Mak­ing healthy lifestyle choic­es isn’t always easy. But putting your health at the fore­front is one of the most impor­tant things you’ll do in your lifetime.

June is Men’s Health Month, a time for men around the coun­try to take charge of their health. As you con­tem­plate ways you improve your own well­ness, take our quiz to get a gauge on where and how you can improve your health.

Not sure how to start when it comes to eat­ing healthy? Make an appoint­ment with a Duly Pri­ma­ry Care provider today.

You only get one body — and it’s time to start tak­ing care of it. This Men’s Health Month, pri­or­i­tize your health and well­ness by mak­ing healthy lifestyle choic­es, stay­ing on top of pre­ven­ta­tive health, and mak­ing the effort to be your best and health­i­est self. 

Sched­ule an appoint­ment

with a Duly Health and Care provider today.

Health Topics:

  • Michael Forbes, DO - Lisle Family Doctor

    I will listen. We can identify the problems at hand. And then we will come up with a plan. I will either help you myself right away, or I will quickly connect you to a specialist within the Duly network so that you can now find the solutions you are seeking.