You know that feeling. It’s been a long day and you’re exhausted — but you still can’t fall asleep. Once you finally do, you’re constantly waking up. Despite technically being in bed for the recommended 7 to 9 hours, you wake up feeling far from refreshed.
It’s normal to have insomnia — difficulty falling or staying asleep or getting high-quality sleep — sometimes. But chronic insomnia (lasting a month or more) can put you at risk for diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Even one night of bad insomnia could cause daytime sleepiness and difficulty paying attention the next day. With all of these risks, it’s critical to make sure you get enough sleep.
Your sleeping environment can significantly affect your ability to fall or stay asleep. So, how good is your environment?
Struggling with insomnia? Schedule an appointment with a Duly Health and Care sleep medicine provider to learn what you can do to improve your sleep.
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