Dual Energy X‑ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), also known as Bone Density testing, is used to diagnose osteoporosis and/or osteopenia. This scan utilizes very low dose radiation to examine the density of the bone tissue to determine the effects of osteoporosis and assess the risk for potential fractures.
Multiple factors are taken into consideration in combination with this testing to determine a patient’s risk and condition. During the procedure, an X‑ray machine is used to scan the hip and spine while the patient is lying on their back. This testing is typically completed in less than 10 minutes.
There is no preparation for the exam, however, it’s best to wear loose, comfortable clothing that is free of metal. Upon completion of the exam, you may go about your normal activity and diet. Your exam will be read by our Radiologist and a diagnostic medical report will sent to your referring physician.
To schedule an exam, or if you have any questions prior to your exam, please call Radiology at 630−545−7880.
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