9 Things To Make Your Chemotherapy Experience More Comfortable

When you are going through can­cer treat­ment, and more specif­i­cal­ly chemother­a­py, your health care team is there to make sure you are com­fort­able. You will have the lux­u­ry of your own pri­vate reclin­ing chair along with med­ica­tions to help man­age side effects but bring­ing a favorite book, movie, blan­ket or friend can also pro­vide com­fort dur­ing your treat­ments. The num­ber of chemother­a­py ses­sions and dura­tion of each treat­ment will vary from patient to patient and even vis­it to vis­it, but it is help­ful if you bring some things to help pass the time and keep you com­fort­able while receiv­ing treatment.

Many peo­ple don’t know what they should bring when they first come to a chemother­a­py treat­ment. Review our sug­ges­tions below and choose a few items to bring to your next chemother­a­py ses­sion. It’s a good idea to switch and bring dif­fer­ent items, as well as some of your favorite items, at each treat­ment ses­sion. You’ll soon fig­ure out what helps you best pass the time.

Com­fort­able Clothes

Patients gen­er­al­ly wear their street clothes” dur­ing treat­ment. Think about this when you get ready to go to your appoint­ment. Think about your favorite com­fy clothes, sweat pants, yoga pants, your favorite soft t‑shirt or zip-up sweat­shirt. Many of the infu­sion med­ica­tions can make you feel chilly, while oth­ers can make you feel hot. It is best to dress in lay­ers so that you can eas­i­ly adjust based on how you feel. Also make sure that you dress so that your nurse can eas­i­ly access your port. A V‑neck or but­ton up shirt works best. 


DMG infu­sion cen­ters pro­vide warm blan­kets, but some­times you want small com­forts of home, so con­sid­er bring­ing a favorite small blan­ket or pil­low. Many patients pass the time by napping. 

Read­ing Materials

Whether it be the lat­est edi­tion of your favorite mag­a­zine, or the newest must-read nov­el, hav­ing some­thing to read will help pass the time. Don’t feel like read­ing but want to indulge in a sto­ry? Try an audio-book.


Load your phone or iPod with some of your favorite music to help pass the time. Or, down­load your favorite music stream­ing app on your phone and find some new favorite tunes. Don’t for­get your ear­buds or headphones!


Down­load your favorite game apps to your phone and brush up on your skills. Tsum Tsum, Can­dy Crush, Clash of Clans and soli­taire await! Or, if a friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber is com­ing with you, con­sid­er a favorite board/​card game like Con­nect 4, UNO or Bat­tle­ship. Many com­pa­nies also sell trav­el edi­tions of your favorite games. Puz­zle books are also very popular.

Favorite Hob­by Materials

Do you like to sketch, cro­chet or knit? Keep­ing your hands mov­ing dur­ing your infu­sions will help you keep warm as well as help you make a dent in that project that you were nev­er able to quite fin­ish. Adult col­or­ing books are also a great way to relax and decompress.


DMG infu­sion suites have DVD play­ers where you can pop in your favorite movie but you can also bring your iPad and stream your favorite movies or TV shows from Net­flix or Hulu through the free Wi-Fi.

Snacks & Beverages

It is impor­tant to main­tain a healthy diet while you are going through can­cer treat­ment. DMG’s Infu­sion Cen­ters offer light snacks and bev­er­ages, but you may want to bring your favorite snack. It’s also impor­tant to stay hydrat­ed — try switch­ing between water, Gatorade and oth­er decaf­feinat­ed beverages.

Sup­port Person

If you gen­er­al­ly go to your infu­sion treat­ments alone, it might be a nice change of pace to invite a friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber. This is a good time to catch up and share your expe­ri­ence with a loved one. Also, hav­ing some­one with you can help divert your atten­tion from your treatment.

If you have any oth­er ques­tions before dur­ing or after your infu­sion treat­ments, don’t be afraid to talk to your oncol­o­gy team mem­bers — infu­sion nurse, nurse nav­i­ga­tor or physician.

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