7 Routine Exams For Women

Do you work full-time? Are you also a full-time mom? For many women, find­ing time for per­son­al things you need to do can be dif­fi­cult. And whether you like it or not, vis­it­ing the doc­tor for your year­ly exam may be some­thing that gets pushed to the side when you are short on time. How­ev­er, your year­ly exam is impor­tant. Through reg­u­lar health screen­ings, your physi­cian can iden­ti­fy prob­lems at an ear­ly stage when they are most treat­able. A physi­cian per­form­ing a phys­i­cal exam can find things you don’t or can’t notice your­self. So make an appoint­ment, and get checked regularly!

Here are 7 of the most impor­tant health screen­ings that should be per­formed on a reg­u­lar basis:

Blood Pres­sure

Hyper­ten­sion is often referred to as the silent killer, mean­ing there are no iden­ti­fi­able symp­toms until it’s too late and you have a sud­den heart attack or stroke. High blood pres­sure can only be iden­ti­fied through a blood pres­sure check. A nor­mal blood pres­sure should be between 12080 — 13585


Get your cho­les­terol checked to deter­mine if you need to change your eat­ing habits which can reduce your risk for heart dis­ease. This is a sim­ple blood draw.

Breast Exam

A clin­i­cal breast exam is done by a physi­cian using their fin­gers to check for lumps. While you should also do this test at home, a physi­cian is trained to find lumps that you might miss. If you find some­thing sus­pi­cious you should talk to your physician.

Pap Smear

A pap smear involves tak­ing a swab sam­ple from the cervix, which is sent for lab test­ing to iden­ti­fy any abnor­mal­i­ties. Your physi­cian will place a specu­lum inside your vagi­na to hold it open while he/​she takes a sam­ple. This might be a lit­tle uncom­fort­able, but this test can iden­ti­fy cell changes that might lead to cer­vi­cal can­cer ear­ly and save lives.


It is cur­rent stan­dard prac­tice that start­ing at age 40, every woman should have a year­ly screen­ing mam­mo­gram to detect ear­ly signs of breast can­cer. The pro­ce­dure involves apply­ing slight pres­sure to the breasts while tak­ing an X‑ray.

Blood Glu­cose

A blood glu­cose test checks for signs of dia­betes or pre-dia­betes, and women should start check­ing their blood glu­cose lev­el at age 45 or ear­li­er if you have symp­toms of dia­betes or risk fac­tors such as fam­i­ly his­to­ry or obe­si­ty. This is based on the assess­ment and advice of your doc­tor. All the more impor­tant to have this dis­cus­sion with your doc­tor each year at your annu­al appointment.

Bone Den­si­ty (DEXA)

Women should be screened for signs of osteo­poro­sis with a bone den­si­ty test start­ing at age 65, or ear­li­er if they have a slight frame, his­to­ry of bone frac­tures, thy­roid dis­ease, fam­i­ly his­to­ry or oth­er risk fac­tors. The test, called a DEXA, involves lying on a table while a machine takes X‑rays of cer­tain bones in your body. Bones are giv­en a T‑score, which describes bone den­si­ty, and a score of ‑1 or high­er indi­cates that they are healthy. Don’t put this test off! Osteo­poro­sis is anoth­er dis­ease with no obvi­ous signs until it’s too late and you suf­fer from a fracture.

At DMG, we know that when it comes to bal­anc­ing fam­i­ly, work and errands, life can get busy. That’s why we’ve designed our herD­MG appoint­ments to be an all-in-one vis­it for women includ­ing a phys­i­cal/well-woman exam, blood work and screen­ing mammogram.

To sched­ule a herD­MG appoint­ment call 1 – 888-MY-DMG-DR.

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