5 Things to Know About Thyroid Disease in Women

Thy­roid dis­ease can sig­nif­i­cant­ly impact a woman’s health, from men­stru­a­tion to preg­nan­cy to menopause.

At the base of your neck, just below your Adam’s apple, lies a small but­ter­fly-shaped gland called the thy­roid. This gland pro­duces the thy­roid hor­mone, which con­trols how your body uses ener­gy – also known as your metab­o­lism. The thy­roid hor­mone affects almost every organ in your body, as well as essen­tial func­tions like breath­ing, heart rate, mood, and weight.

Because your thy­roid is so impor­tant, it needs to make just the right amount of hor­mone. Too lit­tle thy­roid hor­mone can slow your body down, while too much can speed up your metab­o­lism more than it should, poten­tial­ly lead­ing to hyperthyroidism. 

There are two main types of thy­roid dis­ease, with one mak­ing your thy­roid over­ac­tive and the oth­er mak­ing it not active enough.

While any­one can get thy­roid dis­ease, it’s more com­mon in women – and it also affects women in unique ways. 

Also read: How Your Thy­roid Affects Your Health

Here are 5 things to know about thy­roid dis­ease in women:

1. Thy­roid dis­ease can affect your period.

The thy­roid plays a role in con­trol­ling men­stru­a­tion. If your body makes too much or too lit­tle thy­roid hor­mone, your peri­ods can become irreg­u­lar, very heavy, or very light. You might have amen­or­rhea, where your peri­ods stop for a few months or longer. 

Your thy­roid func­tion can also affect when you get your first peri­od. Some girls with thy­roid prob­lems have puber­ty and their first men­stru­al cycle ear­li­er or lat­er than usual. 

Thy­roid dis­ease some­times coex­ists with prob­lems in the immune sys­tem. If this is the case, and if your ovaries are also involved, you may expe­ri­ence ear­ly menopause (menopause that starts before age 40). 

Also read: 7 Rea­sons You Might Miss a Peri­od and When to See Your Doctor

2. You may have fer­til­i­ty issues with thy­roid disease.

Ovu­la­tion is the point dur­ing your men­stru­al cycle when your ovary releas­es an egg. Preg­nan­cy occurs when the egg is fer­til­ized as it trav­els through your fal­lop­i­an tubes.

A thy­roid prob­lem can throw off the bal­ance of the hor­mones that cause ovu­la­tion and may even stop ovu­la­tion alto­geth­er. In addi­tion, hypothy­roidism can make your body pro­duce extra pro­lactin, which is the hor­mone that instructs your body to make breast milk. If you have too much pro­lactin, you might not ovulate. 

Thy­roid prob­lems can inter­fere with ovu­la­tion, mak­ing it hard­er to get preg­nant. How­ev­er, they don’t always pre­vent preg­nan­cy – you may still be able to conceive.

Also read: Am I at Risk for Thy­roid Disease?

3. Preg­nant women with thy­roid dis­ease have a high­er risk of complications.

There’s good news: if you are preg­nant – even with thy­roid dis­ease, it’s pos­si­ble to have a healthy preg­nan­cy and deliv­ery. That being said, preg­nan­cy is riski­er than it is for women with­out thy­roid dis­ease. Keep­ing your­self and your baby safe dur­ing preg­nan­cy does require an addi­tion­al lev­el of care.

Thy­roid hor­mones are crit­i­cal for a baby’s brain and ner­vous sys­tem devel­op­ment. How­ev­er, the baby’s body won’t start mak­ing enough hor­mones on its own until about 18 to 20 weeks of preg­nan­cy. In those first few months, they are rely­ing on your sup­ply of thy­roid hor­mone to devel­op nor­mal­ly. That’s why keep­ing your own lev­els strong is cru­cial for your grow­ing baby.

If you have hypo- or hyper­thy­roidism, make sure you’re keep­ing up with your treat­ment and that you’re work­ing close­ly with your OBG­YN and the provider who usu­al­ly treats your thy­roid dis­ease close­ly both before and dur­ing preg­nan­cy. Untreat­ed thy­roid dis­ease dur­ing preg­nan­cy can lead to oth­er complications:

Too Much Thy­roid Hormone Too Lit­tle Thy­roid Hormone 

With­out treat­ment dur­ing preg­nan­cy, 
hyper­thy­roidism can cause:

  • Pre­ma­ture birth (birth before 39 to 40 weeks)
  • Preeclamp­sia (a seri­ous con­di­tion where you 
    have high blood pres­sure and high lev­els of 
    pro­tein in your urine dur­ing pregnancy)
  • Thy­roid storm (a rare life-threat­en­ing 
    con­di­tion where you release a large amount 
    of thy­roid hor­mone and have sud­den and 
    severe symp­toms)
  • Severe morn­ing sickness
  • Heart fail­ure
  • Low birth weight
  • Fast heart rate in your baby, which can 
    result in them hav­ing seri­ous prob­lems 
    like heart fail­ure or dif­fi­cul­ty breathing
  • Mis­car­riage 

With­out treat­ment dur­ing preg­nan­cy,
hypothy­roidism can cause:

  • Ane­mia (when you don’t have enough
    healthy red blood cells)
  • Preeclamp­sia
  • Prob­lems with your baby’s growth and
    brain devel­op­ment
  • Bleed­ing after birth
  • Low birth weight
  • Still­birth 
  • Mis­car­riage 

4. Some women expe­ri­ence post­par­tum thyroiditis.

Thy­roidi­tis is when your thy­roid becomes inflamed. When it hap­pens with­in a year of giv­ing birth, hav­ing a mis­car­riage, or get­ting an abor­tion, it’s called post­par­tum thy­roidi­tis. It only occurs in about 5 to 10% of women, but the risk increas­es if you have type 1 dia­betes or a his­to­ry of thy­roid problems. 

Post­par­tum thy­roidi­tis usu­al­ly hap­pens in three phas­es. Dur­ing the first phase, your thy­roid will pro­duce too much thy­roid hor­mone. Most peo­ple don’t have symp­toms dur­ing this first phase. In the sec­ond phase, your thy­roid doesn’t make enough thy­roid hor­mone. This is when you may notice symp­toms like fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, or mus­cle pain. You might also have trou­ble pro­duc­ing breast milk. 

Phase three is when your thy­roid lev­els return to nor­mal. This usu­al­ly occurs about 12 to 18 months after the start of symp­toms. It’s pos­si­ble to have per­ma­nent thy­roid prob­lems, but most peo­ple regain full thy­roid function. 

5. The symp­toms of thy­roid dis­ease are sim­i­lar to those of menopause – but there are ways to tell them apart.

Dif­fi­cul­ty sleep­ing, weight gain, irri­tabil­i­ty, hair loss, hot flashes…sound famil­iar? These are com­mon symp­toms of menopause that you may expe­ri­ence in your 40’s or 50’s. Because these symp­toms can mim­ic thy­roid dys­func­tion, it will be impor­tant to check your thy­roid hor­mone lev­els with your pri­ma­ry care provider. 

Any­time you’re expe­ri­enc­ing symp­toms, check in with your health provider. Whether your symp­toms are due to thy­roid dis­ease, menopause, or some­thing else entire­ly, they can help you get the treat­ment you need.

Con­cerned about thy­roid dis­ease? Sched­ule an appoint­ment with a Duly Health and Care pri­ma­ry care or women’s health provider.

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