5 Must-Have Holiday Skincare Treatments

The hol­i­day sea­son is here, and it’s a time filled with joy­ous get-togeth­ers, excit­ing shop­ping sprees, thrilling out­door win­ter activ­i­ties, and unfor­get­table New Year’s cel­e­bra­tions. It’s the sea­son of mer­ri­ment and won­der, but we under­stand it can also be a tad exhausting.

Amidst the hus­tle and bus­tle, it’s easy to lose sight of the lit­tle things, like tak­ing care of your skin. At Duly Aes­thet­ics, we’re here to remind you that your skin deserves the spot­light this winter!

Our expert estheti­cians and der­ma­tol­o­gists firm­ly believe that feel­ing good on the inside begins with look­ing good on the out­side. A healthy and radi­ant com­plex­ion can make you radi­ate ener­gy at all your hol­i­day gath­er­ings, even when you secret­ly crave a 24-hour nap.

To ensure your skin stays glow­ing this hol­i­day sea­son and through­out the win­ter months, our pro­fes­sion­als rec­om­mend a range of reju­ve­nat­ing treatments:


Izzie Fly­nn, LE | Hins­dale & Warrenville 

If you want a beau­ti­ful glow this hol­i­day sea­son, derma­plan­ing is the way to go.

Derma­plan­ing can be a stand-alone ser­vice or com­bined with a facial or chem­i­cal peel for an ini­tial exfo­li­a­tion. By exfo­li­at­ing with derma­plan­ing first, the prod­ucts in your treat­ment will pen­e­trate the skin more intense­ly, giv­ing you the max­i­mum ben­e­fit of the ingredients. 

Derma­plan­ing also removes fine hairs, leav­ing the skin soft and sup­ple, and pro­duc­ing the per­fect can­vas for make­up application.”


Ange­li­ka Dey­na, LE | Wheaton

The HydraFa­cial® will give you beau­ti­ful, fresh skin imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing your treat­ment. The ben­e­fits include hydra­tion, plump­ing and deep cleans­ing to free your pores. This is a per­fect treat­ment to get before the hol­i­day mad­ness to help keep your skin hydrat­ed and healthy.

When­ev­er I get a HydraFa­cial®, I am so pleased with the results. I’ve actu­al­ly had fam­i­ly and friends ask me what I do to make my skin look so bright and flawless!”

Skin­Pen® Microneedling

Anna La Tour, LE | Wheaton 

Our Skin­pen® microneedling treat­ment will keep your skin radi­ant this hol­i­day season.

Microneedling sup­ports col­la­gen pro­duc­tion, pore reduc­tion and a smooth com­plex­ion. It is often used to improve fine lines and wrin­kles and acne stain­ing and scarring.

Imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing your microneedling treat­ment you will have mild dis­com­fort and feel warm, sim­i­lar to sun­burn, for 48 hours. You can also have some dry­ness, tight­ness and peel­ing on days three to five. Treat­ments should be done in a series, depend­ing on your skin concerns.

I’ve had three microneedling treat­ments myself and love the results. My best improve­ments are few­er lines around my mouth and eyes, in addi­tion to firmer skin.”


Melis­sa Louns­bury, LE | Naperville 

Ther­mage® is an ide­al treat­ment to get before the hol­i­days because it will smooth, tight­en and con­tour your skin with lit­tle to no downtime.

Ther­mage® is typ­i­cal­ly per­formed on areas of the face to address signs of aging but it can be per­formed on oth­er parts of the body as well such as the abdomen and legs. The key ben­e­fits include smoother skin, rede­fined con­tour­ing and col­la­gen remodeling.

At one month post-treat­ment, my patients have report­ed that their skin feels firmer, and after three months, the con­tour­ing is more vis­i­ble. At six months post-pro­ce­dure, they had opti­mal results reveal­ing smoother, younger look­ing skin.”

VI Chem­i­cal Peel (Skin­Med­ica®)

Stephanie Gan, MD | Hins­dale

I rec­om­mend the VI Peel® to get that hol­i­day glow.

VI Peels® are suit­able for var­i­ous skin types, includ­ing dark­er skin tones. Each treat­ment is pain-free with results seen in as lit­tle as sev­en days. With its unique com­bi­na­tion of vit­a­mins and min­er­als, the VI Peel® helps to soft­en fine lines and wrin­kles, restore a more even skin tone and smooth away rough texture.

The VI Peel® is designed to specif­i­cal­ly address signs of aging, hyper­pig­men­ta­tion, sun dam­age, acne and acne scarring.

I’ve had this treat­ment done over a week­end with min­i­mal down­time. After­wards, I had glow­ing and smoother-look­ing skin.

The VI Peel® pro­vides dra­mat­ic results that will leave your skin radi­ant this hol­i­day season.”

Stay on top of your skin­care needs this hol­i­day sea­son with one of our rec­om­men­da­tions. You can also find the treat­ment that is best for you by sched­ul­ing a com­pli­men­ta­ry con­sul­ta­tion with one of our estheti­cians online, or by call­ing your local Duly Aes­thet­ics loca­tion.

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