Pancreatic Pseudocysts

A pan­cre­at­ic pseudo­cyst is a flu­id-filled sac that forms on your pan­creas. It can also con­tain tis­sue from the pan­creas, enzymes, and blood. Pan­cre­at­ic pseudo­cysts most often occur after a bout of pan­cre­ati­tis. The cysts typ­i­cal­ly form when the ducts car­ry­ing pan­cre­at­ic flu­ids to the intes­tine become blocked. Pan­cre­at­ic pseudo­cysts don’t always show symp­toms, but if you have recent­ly had pan­cre­ati­tis watch for nau­sea, vom­it­ing, pain in the upper abdomen, a lump, and dif­fi­cul­ty eat­ing. These can be signs of pan­cre­at­ic pseudo­cysts. Exces­sive use of alco­hol and tobac­co increas­es your risk for devel­op­ing pan­cre­at­ic pseudocysts.