High Blood Pressure

High blood pres­sure, also called hyper­ten­sion, is when blood flows through your arter­ies with exces­sive force or pres­sure. This caus­es your blood pres­sure to mea­sure con­sis­tent­ly above nor­mal. High blood pres­sure is con­sid­ered to be 13080 mm Hg. Hav­ing high blood pres­sure can be harm­ful to your health. Over time the exces­sive force on your arter­ies can dam­age your organs includ­ing your heart, kid­neys, and brain. High blood pres­sure typ­i­cal­ly doesn’t have symp­toms which is why it’s so impor­tant to get your blood pres­sure reg­u­lar­ly checked by your doc­tor. If your blood pres­sure is dan­ger­ous­ly high you may have short­ness of breath, headaches, nose­bleeds, chest pain or dizzi­ness. Obe­si­ty, dia­betes and smok­ing can all increase your risk for devel­op­ing high blood pressure.