Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

Heart rhythm abnor­mal­i­ties are known as arrhyth­mia. This is defined as an inter­rup­tion to the nat­ur­al rhythm of the heart which can make the heart­beat faster or show­er than it should or with an irreg­u­lar or dis­or­dered rhythm. Arrhyth­mias can cause no symp­toms, or you may feel dizzy, short of breath, have irreg­u­lar pulse or pal­pi­ta­tions, pain, or pound­ing in your chest. The most com­mon types of heart rhythm abnor­mal­i­ties include atri­al fib­ril­la­tion, atri­al flut­ter, brady­car­dia, pre­ma­ture con­trac­tions, tachy­car­dia, and ven­tric­u­lar fib­ril­la­tion. Smok­ing, fam­i­ly his­to­ry, dia­betes, stress, high blood pres­sure, and obe­si­ty can increase your risk of devel­op­ing a heart rhythm abnormality.