Gas­troe­sophageal reflux dis­ease (GERD) is a con­di­tion where acid con­tents in your stom­ach con­sis­tent­ly leak back up into your esoph­a­gus. Acid reflux hap­pens because the low­er esophageal sphinc­ter (LES) doesn’t tight­en or close prop­er­ly. This allows diges­tive juices and oth­er con­tents from your stom­ach to rise into your esoph­a­gus. Hav­ing acid reflux or heart­burn every now and then is nor­mal, but if you have it more than twice a week over sev­er­al weeks, you may suf­fer from GERD. Any­one can devel­op GERD at any time, but your risk increas­es after 40 years of age, and if you are obese, preg­nant, or smoke. 

GERD Care Team