Erectile Dysfunction

Erec­tile dys­func­tion (ED) occurs when a man is unable to get or keep an erec­tion firm enough to engage in sex­u­al inter­course. If you expe­ri­ence dif­fi­cul­ty achiev­ing an erec­tion occa­sion­al­ly, get an erec­tion but are unable to main­tain it dur­ing sex or are unable to get an erec­tion at all, you may have ED.

ED is the most com­mon sex­u­al prob­lem in men, affect­ing approx­i­mate­ly 30 per­cent of men between the ages of 40 to 70, and is most com­mon in men over the age of 50. In addi­tion to the sex­u­al side effects, chron­ic episodes of ED may indi­cate oth­er under­ly­ing health prob­lems including: 

  • Heart-relat­ed con­di­tions like high blood pres­sure, clogged arter­ies, heart and/​or blood ves­sel disease
  • Dia­betes
  • Chron­ic kid­ney disease 
  • Mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis (MS)
  • Cer­tain treat­ments for prostate can­cer or enlarged prostate 
  • Injury to the penis, spinal cord, prostate, blad­der, or pelvis 
  • Peyronie’s dis­ease

If you are expe­ri­enc­ing symp­toms and believe you may have ED, con­sult with a physi­cian to deter­mine the cause of your ED and dis­cuss which. treat­ment options are right for you. To learn more about the link between ED and heart dis­ease, click the link below: 

Oral med­ica­tions (includ­ing Cialis®, Via­gra®, Lev­i­t­ra® & Staxyn®) are often an effec­tive way to treat ED and may be pre­scribed as long as you don’t have any health restric­tions that would make these med­ica­tions con­sid­ered unsafe to use.

Oth­er pro­ce­­dure-based treat­ment options are avail­able includ­ing vac­u­um erec­tion devices (VED), cor­pus cav­er­nosum injec­tions, ure­thral sup­pos­i­to­ries or pros­the­sis. Your urol­o­gist will review all treat­ment options with you and help you select the care plan that takes into con­sid­er­a­tion your over­all health and best fits your indi­vid­ual needs. 

Sched­ule an appoint­ment to dis­cuss erec­tile dys­func­tion with a Duly Urol­o­gist today >