Barrett's Esophagus

Barrett’s esoph­a­gus is a con­di­tion where the tis­sue lin­ing your esoph­a­gus has been changed or becomes dam­aged. This is com­mon­ly caused by gas­troe­sophageal reflux dis­ease (GERD). Barrett’s esoph­a­gus does not cause symp­toms. You may dis­cov­er you have it only after see­ing your health­care provider for GERD symp­toms or after devel­op­ing esophageal can­cer. Peo­ple with ongo­ing, untreat­ed heart­burn and GERD are much more like­ly to devel­op Barrett’s esoph­a­gus so it’s impor­tant to address these issues quick­ly to keep your esoph­a­gus healthy.

Sched­ule an appoint­ment with our Gas­troen­terol­o­gy doc­tors to dis­cuss Bar­ret­t’s Esoph­a­gus today >