Aesthetic Services Spa Policies


Prod­ucts may be returned with­in 30 days of pur­chase if unopened.

Opened prod­ucts will only be allowed to be returned if it is deter­mined by a provider that the patient suf­fered an aller­gic reaction.

All returned prod­ucts require a receipt and must be returned to the site of purchase.

Pre­scrip­tion prod­ucts can­not be returned.


To main­tain a qui­et, relax­ing envi­ron­ment, we ask you not to bring chil­dren under the age of 13 to the spa unless your child is being seen for treat­ments. Chil­dren under the age of 18 must be accom­pa­nied by an adult.


Duly Aes­thet­ics offers gift cards for any ser­vice pack­age or dol­lar amount. Gift cards are non-refundable.


If you need to can­cel or resched­ule your appoint­ment, we respect­ful­ly request you do so 48 hours in advance so that the estheti­cian may have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sched­ule anoth­er client.

A $100 non refund­able deposit is required to book and con­firm every advanced treat­ment (Microneedling, Pho­tore­ju­ve­na­tion, Ther­mage, Ultra­Shape, Clear & Bril­liant, Miradry, HALO). This deposit will be deduct­ed from your final bal­ance. The remain­der of your bal­ance is due imme­di­ate­ly upon com­ple­tion of the service.

All appoint­ments and book­ing fee deposits are NON REFUND­ABLE.

Resched­ules made with­in 48 hours of the appoint­ment will lose their book­ing deposit.


We accept most major cred­it cards, per­son­al checks and cash.


Duly Aes­thet­ics is a spe­cial place cre­at­ed for your relax­ation and ther­a­peu­tic heal­ing. Please turn off your cell phones, pager and speak quietly.