Duly Health and Care Accountable Care Organization (ACO)

How Duly Health and Care is work­ing to improve your health care

DuPage Med­ical Group, Quin­cy Med­ical Group, and The South Bend Clin­ic are par­tic­i­pat­ing in Nation­al Physi­cian Admin­is­tra­tive Ser­vices, LLC, d/​b/​a Duly Health and Care ACO, an Account­able Care Orga­ni­za­tion (ACO).

What’s an ACO?


  • Are groups of doc­tors, hos­pi­tals and/​or oth­er health care providers that work togeth­er to improve the qual­i­ty and expe­ri­ence of care you receive. Our prac­tice chose to be part of an ACO because we think it will help us pro­vide bet­ter care for our patients.
  • Don’t lim­it your choice of health care providers.
  • Your Medicare ben­e­fits aren’t chang­ing. You’ll have the right to vis­it any doc­tor, hos­pi­tal, or oth­er provider that accepts Medicare at any time, just like you do now.
  • Are eval­u­at­ed by Medicare to see how well each ACO meets these goals every year. Those ACOs that do a good job can earn a finan­cial bonus. ACOs that earn a bonus may use the pay­ment to invest more in your care or share part of it with your providers. Some­times, ACOs may owe a penal­ty if their care increas­es costs.
  • Aren’t a Medicare Advan­tage plan, an all in one” alter­na­tive to Orig­i­nal Medicare, offered by Medicare-approved pri­vate com­pa­nies. An ACO isn’t an HMO plan or insur­ance plan of any kind.

How can I make the most of get­ting care from an ACO?

  • Ask your clin­i­cian about sign­ing up for our secure online por­tal that gives you 24-hour access to your per­son­al health infor­ma­tion, includ­ing lab results and provider rec­om­men­da­tions. This will help you make informed deci­sions about your health care, track your treat­ment, and mon­i­tor your outcomes.
  • Let Medicare know who you con­sid­er your pri­ma­ry clin­i­cian or main doc­tor”. Your pri­ma­ry clin­i­cian is the health care provider you believe is respon­si­ble for coor­di­nat­ing your over­all care. If you choose a pri­ma­ry clin­i­cian, that clin­i­cian may have more tools or ser­vices to help with your care. We can tell you more about how to do this.
  • Con­tin­ue to let Medicare share your health care infor­ma­tion to help us bet­ter coor­di­nate and improve the qual­i­ty of your care. If you don’t want Medicare to share your health care infor­ma­tion, call 1 – 800-MEDICARE (1−800−633−4227). Tell them that your health care provider is part of an ACO and you don’t want Medicare to share your health care infor­ma­tion. TTY users can call 1−877−486−2048.

What does this mean for my care?

  • Giv­ing health care providers the option of work­ing with a group like Duly Health and Care ACO is one of the ways Medicare helps us bet­ter coor­di­nate your care and give you bet­ter qual­i­ty care.
  • To help us coor­di­nate your health care bet­ter, Medicare shares infor­ma­tion about your care with your providers, like dates and times you vis­it­ed a health care provider, your med­ical con­di­tions, and a list of past and cur­rent prescriptions.
  • Shar­ing your data helps make sure all the providers involved in your care have access to your health infor­ma­tion when and where they need it. This infor­ma­tion helps Duly Health and Care ACO give you bet­ter, more coor­di­nat­ed care by keep­ing track of the care and tests that you’ve already had. It may also make it eas­i­er to spot poten­tial prob­lems before they’re more seri­ous – like drug inter­ac­tions that can hap­pen if one doc­tor isn’t aware of what anoth­er has prescribed.


  • For more details about our ACO, ask the front desk for a copy of the ACO ben­e­fi­cia­ry notice.
  • If you have ques­tions or con­cerns, call us at 630−348−3412, or we can talk about them dur­ing your vis­it in our office. You can also call 1 – 800-MEDICARE or vis­it: Medicare​.gov

ACO Reach Pro­gram Pub­lic Reporting