Free Clinical Breast Exam

Duly Health and Care is pas­sion­ate about help­ing you flour­ish, no mat­ter where you are in your health jour­ney. That’s why, for Nation­al Breast Can­cer Aware­ness Month, we are offer­ing FREE clin­i­cal breast exams through­out the month of October.

Those who qual­i­fy for a free clin­i­cal breast exam include:

  • Ages 18 and older
  • No active breast concerns
  • Not con­sid­ered high risk

How to get started:

  • The clin­i­cal breast exams, per­formed by our nurse prac­ti­tion­ers, are a quick, non-inva­­­sive way to screen for ear­ly detection.
  • Ear­ly detec­tion is crit­i­cal and clin­i­cal breast exams are your first line of defense against breast can­cer. Call 331−551−5473 or click the online sched­ul­ing link above to sched­ule your FREE clin­i­cal breast exam today.
  • Please note, this exam does not include imag­ing. If imag­ing (mam­mo­gram) is need­ed, it will be avail­able and billed through your insur­ance or on a self-pay basis.

More help­ful info:

Your pri­ma­ry care provider can help you deter­mine your breast can­cer risk and get you start­ed on the appro­pri­ate screen­ing sched­ule. If you have any breast con­cerns, please con­tact your obstet­rics and gyne­col­o­gy or pri­ma­ry care provider. If you’re at an increased risk, our High Risk Breast Clin­ic can help you close­ly mon­i­tor your breast health with com­pre­hen­sive screen­ings, risk assess­ments, genet­ic test­ing and coun­sel­ing services.